

Object and Type


Object  : FCSession

Type     : Property




Public ThrowErrors As Boolean




First Choice FCFL-based High Level APIs either return errors through the return value of the COM method or throw the error (in the object programming methodology).  The property ThrowErrors switches from one method to the other.  Setting ThrowErrors to FALSE means First Choice methods return errors through the return code.  Setting ThrowErrors to TRUE causes the methods to throw the error.  By default the value of ThrowErrors is TRUE.






The code in this example is written in JavaScript for inclusion in ASP pages.


The following example eveluates the return code from a High Level API call (Move Change Request)


FCSession.ThrowErrors = FALSE

ret_int = cq.move_cr(cbbo, "2", "Urgent");

If ret_int <> 0 Then

  Response.Write("Move CR Failed. Error Code = " + ret_int)

End If


The following example catches an error thrown from a High Level API call (Move Change Request)


FCSession.ThrowErrors = TRUE

try {

  ret_int = cq.move_cr(cbbo, "2", "Urgent"); }

catch{e) {

Response.Write (e.description); }